I really wanna share this with anyone, literally ANYONE but i know i cant and i dont feel comfortable telling out though. If u understand what i'm trying to say...
It may be embarrassing to say but i've never felt this way for a long time and i think i've forgotten how it feels like to be pain. However this is a little different... i never in my life gotten myself into the pair of shoes i'm wearing now. I dont feel comfortable wearing it cos of certain reasons but i just like wearing it. Its just an ordinary decent pair of shoes but i have this very special feeling when i wear it. I dont know why was i feeling that way or was i wrong having that kind of feeling and i questioned myself many many times whether or not i should walk my life barefooted. I was wondering why are all these things in my mind. Well, i've now got my answer. Thats love.
Now that its torn, I am torn. I know its not okay, I'm not okay as well. I really wanna know whats going on but i have the feeling i'm just not the one. I feel like i'm not in the right position to ask her why. Am i the right one to repair it. I feel so helpless, whateva the problems, i just want her to be happy, then i'm good already.
Currently listening to All good things (come to an end) and wondering whether its true. everytime i feel close to it, i'm actually still faraway... What can i do to get closer?
Something worth remembering
I miss you